Sunday 13 January 2013

TINKER — Boush | Item Build | DotA

Tinker is a Nuker and a good Pusher. His skills are really an aid to push anywhere in the lane. But when equipped with Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse, he can be better Disabler than anyone. Though Boush has a lot more to play a role, he is displayed to play all of these. And that is why he needs a good player to be success in the game.

The early game item build for Tinker can be the following:

Ironwood Branch – This item grants each attributes for Tinker giving him more strength and toughness to survive the early game plus the intelligence for mana support.
Ancient Tango of Essifation – This item helps Tinker to regenerate when in mid health condition.
Healing Salve – This item helps Tinker to regenerate more fast whenever he is in a low health condition.
Magic Stick – This helps you to counter spell caster enemy heroes.
Clarity Potion – This item helps Tinker to regenerate his mana whenever it is in low condition.
Boots of Speed – This grants Tinker movespeed for chasing and escaping.
Empty Bottle – This item keeps you to cast spell in constant giving you source of mana and health. Require to play with a courier.

The mid game item build for Tinker can be the following:

Magic Wand – This helps you to regenerate your mana and health in an instant depending on its charge.
Arcane Boots – This grants Tinker and his nearby allies mana whenever its cooldown.
Kelen’s Dagger – This can help him to gank, escape and chase enemies.
Force Staff – This helps Tinker in chasing and escaping.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity – This grants Tinker the ability to cyclone enemies and himself for chasing, setting and escaping.
Dagon – This grants Tinker an ability to instant kill an enemy.

The late game item build for Tinker can be the following:

Mekansm – This provides Tinker and his nearby allies armor and hitpoints.
Shiva’s Guard – This item grants Tinker negative armor aura to her enemies and the ability of Arctic Blast.
Ghost Scepter – This grants Tinker the ability of Ghost Form.
Guinsoo’s Scythe of Vyse – This item helps him to disable any hero giving him the ability of Hex.

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