Sunday 9 December 2012

SHADOW PRIEST – Dazzle | Item Build | DotA

Dazzle plays the role of a Support in all of his games. His abilities are for supporting his allies, lending them armor and instant healing. Though he is not that a choice for some players, Dazzle is a durable hero that can stand out and survive mostly in all clash. Though he is indeed a tough hero to play, he is fun to play with if you have early supporting items.

The early game item build for Dazzle can be the following:

Ironwood Branch – This item grants each attributes for Dazzle giving him more strength and toughness to survive the early game plus the intelligence for mana support.
Ancient Tango of Essifation – This item helps Dazzle to regenerate when in mid health condition.
Healing Salve – This item helps Dazzle to regenerate more fast whenever he is in a low health condition.
Magic Stick – This helps you to counter spell caster enemy heroes.
Observer Wards – This is a strategic item to spy on your enemies. Supporting heroes just like Dazzle should do the warding strategy. This should maintain through the whole game.
Clarity Potion – This item helps Dazzle to regenerate his mana whenever it is in low condition.
Smoke of Deceit – This supportive item helps Dazzle and his allies to set a clash or gank against his opponents during the early game. This should be maintain through the whole game.
Sentry Wards – This strategic item helps Dazzle to deward a spying observer ward nearby.
Boots of Speed – This grants Dazzle movespeed for chasing and escaping.

The mid game item build for Dazzle can be the following:

Headdress of Rejuvenation – This may help Dazzle for better health regeneration.
Medallion of Courage – This can do the killing faster because of armor degrading.
Urn of Shadows – This can help Dazzle to serve himself and his allies in health regeneration. And also can do damage to enemies.
Magic Wand – This helps you to regenerate your mana and health in an instant depending on its charge.
Arcane Boots – This grants Dazzle and his nearby allies mana whenever its cooldown.
Ancient Janggo of Endurance – This grants Dazzle and his allies attack speed and movespeed.

The late game item build for Dazzle can be the following:

Mekansm – This provides Dazzle and his nearby allies armor and hitpoints.
Khadgar’s Pipe of Insight – This helps allies of Dazzle and himself to prevent magic for damaging more.
Force Staff – This helps Dazzle in chasing and escaping.
Eul’s Scepter of Divinity – This grants Dazzle the ability to cyclone enemies and himself for chasing, setting and escaping.
Dagon – This grants Dazzle an ability to instant kill an enemy.

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